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How to Start

A Transparent Process, No Fees Incurred to Get Started

We provides a clear picture of your financial options, review your budget, and give you the best recommendations.
With our programme, we can help you to save on the interest paid while not affecting your credit score.

Step 1: Financial Counselling

We start by reviewing your credit report and discussing this with you. We will then provide an in-depth explanation of the financial options available to you. Our Consultants always try their best to answer all your questions. This is a FREE, no-obligation consultation.

Step 2: Create a proposal.

If you wish to proceed, we will obtain the necessary financial information from you to build a strong proposal. A financial consultant is appointed to study your current financial situation and tailor a customized proposal for you. Negotiation, consideration, and elimination will take place here, involving input from your side.

Step 3: Execution

If you accept the proposal, it shall be executed by our Consultant. Legitimate bankers will handle all applications. It takes 4 to 6 weeks to process your application depending, on the complexity of your situation.

Step 4: Approval

Once the application process is complete, you can start enjoying cheaper interest rates and lower monthly instalments for your loan. Our Consultant can also provide advice on how to utilise your loan to achieve your financial goal.